Cornerstone Counselling: Hearts of Compassion Fundraiser

Cornerstone Counselling was one of Pixel Blue College’s clients. We worked in groups of two for this assignment, however, we first worked on the logo independently before one was selected for the whole project (mine wasn’t chosen). Our objective was to come up with branding elements for a fundraiser luncheon in March 2020. Their mission was to raise awareness of childhood sexual abuse and mental health issues, and those impacted by it. Despite the heavy context, it was rewarding to know that this charitable event was all for a good cause. The event was called “Hearts of Compassion”. However, we were surprised to learn, a couple months after the fact, that it was renamed "Invite the Light” . . . So much for brainstorming on heart logos.

Infographic Placemat

Infographic Placemat

Tent Card and Event Poster

Tent Card and Event Poster

HC Poster.png
Donation and Tent Cards

Donation and Tent Cards

Facebook Page and Social Media Posts

Facebook Page and Social Media Posts



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